Thursday, November 09, 2006

Moving on...

I will be posting some more in-depth thoughts and reflections on the election later this evening, but for now there are a few quick thoughts to get out there. We must remember, as both conservatives and Republicans, that Democrats succeeded in winning without real strategy, and this should give you hope. As conservatives, we must remember to get back to fighting for what we believe in (ideas) instead of certain Republican candidates (party reputation). I have heard rumblings of GOP cleansings that will be taking place in the coming months, especially here in state, and it is surely needed. This loss cannot really be pinned on just one factor; there are multiple elements at work here that I will discuss later this evening. Here in Ohio, we were at least able to stop the bleeding in our US House delegation, although I am not sure if that was an entirely good thing yet. Citizens of Franklin County and Crawford County lost great Commissioners and great men on Tuesday evening, in Dewey Stokes and Ron Hoeft, respectively. Finally, for now, Tuesday's results will undoubtedly have an impact on the CRNC elections, but I think it has a different impact than everyone is thinking. Hardly a state in the Union went untouched by losses in the GOP ranks, so disqulaifying CRNC candidates based upon that would disqualify almost every State Chair, save a few. I think that it will point out the absolute necessity for change and progress within our organization, because the youth vote turned out in droves for the Democrats. It should be an interesting couple of weeks, to be sure. One last piece of news: after talking with numerous campaigns and party officials over the last couple of days, not one questioned the contributions of Ohio's College Republicans. To a man, they each were more than happy with our work, and for that, I am both grateful that our work was noticed and hopeful for the future of our state fed.


Anonymous said...

If the arbitration amendment passes, remember: nothing you did this year matters, nothing you do next year matters. Because some day, some jerk comes along and he's going to appeal an election. The resulting chaos will wreck this organization from top-to-bottom and create a boatload of bad publicity.

Tell Dan Carlson to go to hell.

Cut the Crap said...

I am definitely not turning out to be a big fan of either amendment. I do like the ideas, but I also see them as very poorly written, regardless of whether my state chairman co-sponsored one of them. I think that the membership verification is the better composed of the two, and would not have such a big problem with it passing. The elections appeal amendment would be a good provision, but not at all in the way the language currently reads. It is "not ready for primetime" and should go back to someone for much-needed additions, clarity, and details. More on this coming soon...