Monday, January 01, 2007

Note to BSB: Go ask the 6th District about the Govt. "Workday"

It never ceases to amaze me how ridiculously hypocritical "progressive" Democrats can be. So when I read a recent post over at Buckeye State Blog detailing how Mary Taylor, sole Republican survivor of the massacre, was already reportedly shirking her duties, I had to ask myself a few things. Did we not just wrap up a campaign season where many a fundraiser and campaign event were held by candidates during the work day? This happens on both sides of the aisle, so I am not pinning that on any one particular person here. It simply would not be intellectually honest to do so, but when did BSB ever live up to intellectual honesty?

For the record, BSB does not even list the date the fundraiser is to be held, simply that it is a "midweek workday" fundraiser. If the fundraiser is this week, then Mary Taylor will not have been inaugurated yet (her inauguration is next Monday). Besides not listing the date of the fundraiser itself, has BSB not forgotten all of the votes and time Governor-elect Ted Strickland missed while he was supposed to be representing his Sixth District in Washington? How about all of the inaugural festivities? Almost all of those fall during the work day, when according to BSB the government is on our time. Does that mean that I should complain and whine about essentially wasting the first day in office? But wait, that is a Democrat, and when they do something wrong it is completely fine. You have to love the double standard, holding Republicans, Mary Taylor in this case, to a higher standard than you hold your own. But, hey, I expect nothing less out of BSB!

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