Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Red State Rampage joins with State of Ohio Blogger Alliance

Red State Rampage is the newest member blog of the State of Ohio Blogger Alliance, a conservative-leaning and generally Republican association of bloggers. A new live feed of posts by other SOB Alliance members has been added to the sidebar below the Links portion, and a blogroll will be forthcoming. This group includes some of my favorite blogs, and ones that I read everyday, such as BizzyBlog, Right Angle Blog, Lincoln Logs, Viking Spirit, and Weapons of Mass Discussion. I would most definitely suggest checking them out, and I am glad to be joining such an esteemed collective of established bloggers in Ohio.


Mmatters said...


Cut the Crap said...

Thank you! I am very glad to be joining the SOB Alliance, and I very much enjoy reading the material over at BizzyBlog. Your analysis of the economy and business stories, along with the occasional foray into politics, is absolutely phenomenal. Keep up the good work!