Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Buckeye Brownbackers?

Sen. Sam Brownback spoke at the Franciscan University of Steubenville last evening, and Truth Caucus put the crowd at 400, which is about 20% of the student population. Anyhow, Brownback will likely consider a run for President in '08, as there is not a clear social conservative candidate at this point. Brownback, along with McCain and others, endorsed the Republican Gubernatorial candidate Ken Blackwell back before the primary, so this is not the first move he has made in Ohio. He was evidently impressive as well, because a Facebook group has popped up-FUS Students for Brownback 2008, started by FUS College Republican Chairman Billy Valentine, all-around great guy. It has 63 members as of this post, and more are coming, to be sure. This begs the question, though, of who the rest of Ohio will join forces with? More on this as it happens...

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