Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Commenting Now On!

For whatever reason, I forgot to turn on commenting when I set this up; it is now turned on and unmoderated.


Anonymous said...

You claim this is a no bullshit website and yet your first posts include "crnc power rankings." The people who have power are people who lead solid CR chapters, field representatives, and the national chairman. No one else is worth a damn. Truth Caucus has some power but he's abused his power to vilify well-meaning people like Eric Hoplin and Paul Gourley, as a way to settle ancient scores.

Cut the Crap said...

I believe Paul is #1 on the list, right? And they aren't scientific or anything, just an arbitrary, albeit sarcastic take on where folks are sitting right now.

Anonymous said...

Now we've got another damn comments section to watch...

Cut the Crap said...

Is that a good thing or a bad thing? And who is "we" anyhow? I just wanted someplace that is not Truth Caucus to discuss CR happenings, and everything else in general, and since the other blogs fell off, I started my own.