Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Newsmakers: Morgan Brooke Wilkins

Morgan Wilkins is a College Republican and conservative activist from Kentucky, and the first subject here at Red State Rampage in what will be a weekly series of interviews. I am very excited, not only about this interview, but the three others that are coming over the next few weeks. Without further ado, on to the questions:

Red State Rampage: I have to ask first about your recent trip to London and your meeting with Margaret Thatcher at the International Young Democrat Union Conference. How did you get involved with the IYDU, and do you think that College Republicans should maintain an active role in it?

Morgan Wilkins: Although it probably goes with out saying, my trip to London is an experience I will never forget. As a young woman in politics Margaret Thatcher is my icon. If I can only possess a fraction of her strength then I will be satisfied. I also met with David Cameron who is rumored as possibly the next PM. However, to answer your question, I became involved with IYDU through the Leadership Institute. LI is probably connected to every young conservative organization in the world. Yes, I most definitely think that the College Republicans should maintain an active role in the IYDU. We are one of, if not the most established and well organized conservative youth organizations in the world. We deserve and should always want a big seat at the IYDU table.

RSR: There has to be a follow-up to that, because I know that Eric Hoplin, former CRNC Chairman, was in attendance at the conference. Were you able to talk with Chairman Hoplin, and, if so, how did that go?

MW: I did talk to Eric, quite a bit actually. As soon as we shook hands for the first time Eric could tell I was a little unsure of how he would react to me. He reassured me by saying, "I made a rule a long time ago not to judge people until I meet them." I told him that was a very good rule. IT IS A VERY GOOD RULE. We talked through out the whole conference about a lot of things. He even gave me his advice on the state chair race in KY. When the conference was over and everyone was saying his or her goodbyes, Eric told me that if I ever need help with anything to let him know and he will do what he can to help me. I was a little taken back by his kindness and asked him if he REALLY meant that. He just reminded me of his rule not to judge people until he meets them and he said that meeting me was a wonderful experience. I would have to say the same about meeting him. I was pleased to see him re-elected as IYDU Vice-President.

RSR: Speaking of the CRNC, that is kind of your claim to fame. Three good months removed from that whole fiasco, would you do it all over again? Is there anything that you would change in how you approached your work?

MW: Yes, I would do it all over again. I made some life long friends during my time in Michigan. Chairman Carlson was great. Even when it could have hurt his reputation he still had my back during the whole fiasco. That means a lot in this field. Also, I believe that you learn much more from hardships than you do victories and my experience with the CRNC turned out to be nothing but a launch pad for me. Although, I will admit, it may have been a bad idea to create a facebook group claiming to "Make out with anyone who can get me 10 GOTV volunteers." I might have to renege on that statement. For the record, I will not make out with you if you get 10 GOTV volunteers. Unless maybe you are Chairman Charlie Smith, that boy's not bad looking.

RSR: Campus activism is a big part of College Republicans, and this obviously causes problems between CRs and other elements of the party apparatus. The event that you had planned, "Catch an Illegal Immigrant", is one that has been replicated across the country by other groups. Why do you think your situation became the one everyone zeroed in on? What made it so newsworthy and prominent?

MW: Great question. I have wondered this myself. My best guess is b/c the media misreported and wrote that I was employed by the RNC. When you drop that C off of CRNC it makes a big difference.

RSR: If you were in Paul Gourley's position, would you have fired Morgan Wilkins? In your opinion was his action justified?

MW: Ouch, tough question! Let me first say that your question may be better phrased, "If you were Amanda Hydro would you have fired Morgan Wilkins?" I am not sure if Paul had much say in the decision. And my answer is, I don't know. I really don't know. They were faced with a tough decision during a heated election year. I can't say with certainty if I would have fired me or not.

RSR: What lessons have you learned from your work with the CRNC and, later, the Leadership Institute? What have you brought away from that work that will guide you down the road?

MW: I learned that you have to take a hold of your own future and you can never, ever let other people shape your opinion of yourself. I also learned that conservative politics is where I want to be for quite some time.

RSR: Even though you have taken your fair share of heat and criticism, as well as praise, within the conservative movement, what motivates you to continue your involvement in it? Do you think that conservatism is still a philosophy that has a place in the Republican Party?

MW: I continue fighting for the conservative cause because my conscience wouldn't allow me to do otherwise. Liberal professors, media, and even politicians are deceiving young people and feeding them false information. As young conservatives we have the right philosophy we just have to make our voices heard on college campuses before it is too late. However, like you mentioned in your question, the really scary thing is that conservatism is holding less and less of a place even in the Republican Party. If the Republican Party doesn't return back to its conservative roots I think it will suffer.

RSR: For those who may not know, you have quite the personal story. Has everything that you have been through at such a young age helped you to become who you are today? What would you say to others in the same sort of situation that you once found yourself in?

MW: I am so happy you asked this. I don't have the typical College Republican past and I am thankful for that. It has made me strong. Statistically I should be on the streets but I have overcome a lot. I have been blessed enough to have an amazing family whom have helped me tremendously.
To any young person in the same situations I was in I would tell them first to go to church and then go to school. With faith and an education you will have the confidence to accomplish anything.

RSR: You have been a rumored candidate for Chairman of the Kentucky Federation of College Republicans. I am not asking for an announcement of any sort, but what are the top two priorities you would like to see KFCR engage in?

MW: You're right. I have tossed around the idea of State Chairman. However, the current officers are some of my best friends and are doing a commendable job right now. I would love to see KY more recognized nationally and I think we are on that path. I would love to see the KFCR more accessible and useful to the chapters. I would love to see the KFCR more advanced technologically. I also think there is a lot we could learn from other federations about fundraising. Our neighbors to the North in Ohio are excellent fundraisers and I would love to take some lessons from them. Nonetheless I am confident that together we are all up to these tasks.

RSR: After your time at the CRNC, you worked as well for the Leadership Institute. What was the biggest difference between LI and the CRNC, and is one group more effective than the other on college campuses right now?

MW: The biggest difference between the two is that the CRNC focuses on getting Republicans elected while LI focuses purely on expanding the conservative movement. LI has no party affiliation. Another difference is that LI pays their employees on time! I'm sorry, that was a low blow. It is hard to say if one group is more effective than the other since they play different roles. I would argue that their effectiveness is equal.

RSR: The Leadership Institute has also been through quite a bit of staff turnover and turmoil in the past few months. You have had a first hand view of the situation at LI, so do you think the organization has any serious problems or issues to address internally?

MW: It is funny that you ask this because in the office our nickname for LI is "Survivor" because we never know who was going to get cut this week. In my opinion, this is a serious problem that needs to be addressed.

RSR: Thank you very much for your candor and openness in answering these questions; best of luck to you in whatever it is you do in the future.


Anonymous said...

Wilkins is a liar. She never knew or cared about IYDU and just used it as a free trip to get intoxicated ... she just tagged along with Republican friends. =)

Anonymous said...

good post. she sure does shoot from the hip, which is quite refreshing.

Anonymous said...

Morgan Wilkins should be an inspiration to us all.

Anonymous said...

I would have to aurgue with that first comment. I dont think that was very nice, or true.
But thanks for the other ones!

Anonymous said...

Morgan Wilkins is the stunning star of young Republican leaders. Her undying dedication and hard work should be an inspiration to us all. She steps up when no one else will. Keep up the great work, Morgan! I miss you! Come back to Michigan soon!

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Cut the Crap said...

That first comment was completely unwarranted. Aside from saying that the CRNC had problems making paydays on time, she didn't go after anyone in the interview, even though she very well could have. Just goes to show the thought process of some of our fellow CRs, unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Wilkins would be a lot more effective if she wouldn't polarize so many people and realize that she isn't the Savior of the conservative Republican movement.

Cut the Crap said...

I can tell you from actually talking to her, this is not the way she thinks.

VikingSpirit said...

Good interview. I'm looking forward to your future interviews.

Anonymous said...

Loved the interview. Way to slam Hydro in that question!

Here's an early Christmas gift from the CRNC


Anonymous said...

Morgan, you freakin' crack me up. Ha Ha Ha. I will be sure to tell Charlie how you feel about him!

Cut the Crap said...

Viking Spirit: That means quite a bit coming from a great blogger like yourself. And not to worry, there will be plenty more interviews coming.

For the anonymous comment, I didn't actually slam Hydro with the question, she was implicated in the answer. However much contempt I have personally for some of the folks at the CRNC, I try my best to keep bias and a vengeful tone out of my questioning.

Anonymous said...

The Dancing Gourley is hilarious!


Anonymous said...

go on and say it Morgan, you shouldnt have been fired. It is bull shit.

Anonymous said...

Morgan is the best CR in the country.

Anonymous said...

I was with Morgan at IYDU. She represented American conservatives well. Don't take my word for it though, see what Margret Thatcher thinks:


Anonymous said...

Morgan is getting beat up here, and it's not right.

Cut the Crap said...

I think everyone overreacts to her. She could have completely slammed Hoplin, Gourley, her state chair, and a whole host of others in this interview; yet she did not choose to do so. She showed class and restraint.

Tyler W/ said...

Morgan shouldnt have been fired. The only thing she did wrong was go against the moderate Republican status quo; apparently, that made the CRNC quite angry.

I've had the privlege of working with Morgan since the CRNC fiasco and I must say that she is a great girl.