Friday, December 01, 2006

Three's Company

A RSR edition of Sportscenter's Show Me segment for the three respective candidates for CRNC Chairman this weekend in Denver (and in the weeks coming).

Charlie Smith, show me that:
-you are really about unity, not just shouting it from the mountain tops.
-your fragile coalition will hold up and weather the long storm.
-you can throw a Maine-fest of sorts west of the Mississippi.

Brent Ludeman, show me that:
-you can go national.
-you do have a plan, not just rhetoric.
-you are really King of the Western Caucus.

Brian Siler, show me that:
-you can shake the accusations of losing Ohio.
-you can pick off Charlie's states and bring reformers back into the fold.
-you can be proud of your Buckeyes.

I would like to put out an APB for Nevada's George Higgins (why didn't we have the meeting in Vegas, damnit!) and Illinois' John Donnelly. There are things I would like to see from them, but you have to be in the fight first!

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