Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Prepping for Surgery

Outgoing Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) is getting back to his roots as a surgeon after choosing not to participate in the 2008 Presidential Primary. This is a smart move in my opinion, because he did not have a clear constituency in the primary, and he was already loathed by many following a fairly poor performance as Majority Leader. The move was also widely expected, so this does not shake up the field too much at all. Frist is closing the book on life as an elected official as well, but did not say who he will be supporting in the primary.
I have to quickly comment on Mitt Romney, because the hip thing to do in GOP circles right now is to destroy the guy on whatever grounds available. The leading salvo is that he belongs to a "cult", something the Mormon religion is most definitely not. Everyone thinks of Mormons as teetotaling polygamists, and while they abstain from alcohol and caffeine, polygamy is not something endorsed by the Mormon Church. In fact, polygamy is condemned by the Mormon Church. The other thing haunting Mitt is governing like a liberal during his term at the helm in Massachusetts; this one will be harder to shake.


Anonymous said...

Good thoughts!

Take it a little easy on the caffiene bit--you will find plenty of Mormons who enjoy a good Coke now and again--even Mitt has a weakness for Diet Coke!

Cut the Crap said...

Just going on Glenn Beck's discussion of his Mormon faith from his book, The Real America.