Friday, November 24, 2006

That Bird is Cooked!

Yes, I am talking about Thanksgiving, not about the higher ambitions of certain CR State Chairmen. Anyhow, we here at RSR will get back to normal posting after the holiday, as I am heading out of Columbus later this afternoon for the first of a few Thanksgiving celebrations. As corny as it may be, one thing my father's side of the family has always done, ever since I can remember, is to go around the table and have everyone tell of at least one thing they were thankful for in the past year. Now, there is more to my life than politics (sometimes), but this year, I think the thing I am most thankful for is the great folks involved in CRs that do so much hard work, but most importantly provide us who follow it with oh so much comical relief. And by comic relief, I mean the constant missteps by the bigwigs, plus the sweet events brought to you by CR chapters nationwide, like Rhode Island's Ryan Bilodeau and their brilliant events of last week (see below for more). You just have to laugh, because you would go insane otherwise.


VikingSpirit said...

Keep up the good work my friend.

Anonymous said...

These state federations are a joke. THE CHAPTERS ARE WHERE THE ACTION IS AT, BABY!