Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Ambassador DeWine? Why not?

From the Plain Dealer's Openers today:

"...Sen. Mike DeWine this morning is dismissing speculation that he might replace John Bolton, the United Nations ambassador whose recess appointment will end soon."

Apparently, the Senator wants to spend his time in Ohio with family after his term is up in D.C.; I have heard there is a possibility of DeWine becoming a professor. It has also been suggested that DeWine resign early in favor of Sherrod Brown, who beat him in the November elections, so that Brown would have more seniority in the incoming Congress. Normally, I would agree with allowing an Ohioan to ascertain the seniority, but Brown is not someone I want to see having power in the Senate, and especially not right now.
With regards to DeWine not wishing to take the post of UN Ambassador once Bolton leaves, there is one thing that this gives credence to: his desire to hold public office in the future. Being stuck at the UN for the next two years (at least) would not enable him to raise funds and schmooze the bigwigs necessary to be competitive in the next race he runs. Now there are two rumors that just are not going away, the first more likely than the second: DeWine is planning a run for Governor in 2010 or he is planning to run again for US Senate. Making a run at the Governor's Mansion is more likely, simply due to the fact that George Voinovich is planning (at this point) to run for re-election to his seat in 2008, and that DeWine would have to wait until 2012 to seek a rematch against Sherrod Brown.
I am not a big fan of the Senator, but he does do well on foreign policy issues, and his social stances fit in well with the UN's humanitarian mission. Why not make him Ambassador? If Pres. Bush were to ask him, I have a hunch that he just may recant on his dismissal of the opportunity and say yes.


VikingSpirit said...

Here's to DeWine NOT running for Governor.

A DeWine gubernatorial candidacy is a bad idea on so many levels...

Cut the Crap said...

Amen to that brother.

Anonymous said...

While I agree with some of DeWine's positions, there is one that would force me to withhold any support for a UN appointment:

The 2nd Amendment.

Mike DeWine is vehemently anti-gun and was endorsed this past election by The Brady Campaign. As the United Nations constantly tries to pass binding treaties forbidding civilian gun ownership that only enables dictatorial tyrannies around the world... that crowd would love to have DeWine.

I fear he would continue to disregard the U.S. Constitution he swore to uphold.

Cut the Crap said...

This is true, but he would be a delegate of the US. In this role he would be representing the national interests, not his own. He would simply not be allowed to be a loose cannon if he were at the UN. Add Lincoln Chafee to the list of potentials as well; I would much rather see DeWine over that guy!