Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Justin Jordan for Texas CR Vice-Chairman

There is a Facebook group up touting Texas Southern student Justin Jordan as a candidate for Texas Federation of College Republicans Vice Chairman. He, and any other candidates, will be up for election on January 27, 2007, at the TFCR meeting to fill the rest of the term until general elections. The seat is vacant due to the graduation of Texas A&M's Jason Fite. Texas Southern is a relatively new face within TFCR, having only been federated since September. As for what Justin wants to accomplish as TFCR Vice-Chairman, here is the platform he lists:
-Preparing now for 2008 and beyond by focusing on Local elections.
-Developing closer working relationships with Republican elected officials.
-Setting and Defining the Legislative Agenda for Students all across Texas.

Jordan boasts endorsements from several Texas politicians, as well as several CR chapter chairmen (and CRs from at least 6 chapters). Most notable are endorsements by Texas Lt. Governor David Dewhurst and likely Congressional candidate Paul Bettencourt. We will keep you updated on this race as more information comes in.


Anonymous said...

I looked at his group and the guy that owns GOPUSA is endorsing him too. Who is this guy?

Cut the Crap said...

Decently well-connected for sure.