Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Giving a fox keys to the henhouse: Tubbs-Jones to Chair House Ethics Committee

Ohio Congressman Stephanie Tubbs-Jones (D-Cleveland) will be the next Chairman of the House Ethics Committee, one of the worst kept secrets in political circles since the November elections where Democrats slithered into power. This is simply amazing to me; anyone who was wishing to see Congress be cleaned up can bid that pipe dream adieu. Tubbs-Jones is the same Representative who continually brings up claptrap in the House about Bush and Blackwell conspiring to steal the 2004 election, and it is hard to see her going after members of her own party with as much zeal as she will go after GOPers. Expect to see her carry out vendettas against several GOP Congressman, not the most surprising of which would be Rep. Steve LaTourette (R-Akron). I doubt we are going to see Jack Murtha or Bill Jefferson, let alone Allan Mollohan or Alcee Hastings, receive the scrutiny they deserve. Incredible move by the Democrats to show that they are serious about cleaning up the crap going on in D.C. today.

-One of my favorite political sites, Politics, is being sued in New York by a fringe write-in candidate, who lost his bid to be election Governor of New York. I am not sure what place the kook came in, but apparently he is taking Ron Gunzburger, who runs Politics, to court seeking $5 million in damages. The lawsuit also seeks money from George Pataki, Rudy Giuliani, and Michael Bloomberg. Since I like Politics 1 so much, I am asking that you join me in sending this character an email informing him of his idiocy. Besides being absolutely ridiculous, he spouts the same baloney about Ohio elections being stolen as Tubbs-Jones. Speaking of this, why doesn't someone get this fella a job creating Democratic talking points?


Anonymous said...

Which Cleveland Rep. is worse, Tubbs-Jones or Kucinich? We have to pay that character almost $3 million in matching funds for his shot in the dark Presidential campaign! How do either of these two keep getting reelected?

Anonymous said...

Stephanie Tubbs-Jones and Dennis Kucinich occupy gerrymanders on Cleveland's east and west side, respectively. Tubbs-Jones's Eleventh District is predominantly black, has always been Democratic, and was represented by Louis Stokes for thirty years before her.

Kucinich, on the other hand, sits in the Tenth District, which was held by Republican Martin Hoke until 1996, when Kucinich defeated him.

Ohio Republicans will basically have to live with Stephanie Tubbs-Jones; that district will not go away. But we could have done something about Kucinich when we last re-districted, but opted to sell out Northeast Ohio in favor of solidifying Central and Southwest Ohio Districts, and mostly attempting to damage the near-imprisoned Jim Traficant instead. If you're blinded by the brilliance of this decision-making, you'd be the first. This was largely the work of Householder and Taft, the wisdom of which is questionable considering the tough sledding for Republicans like Deborah Pryce, Steve Chabot, and Jean Schmidt this fall.

The bottom line is, we had a chance to rid ourselves of Kucinich a few years ago, to break up his largely unionized district of traditional Democrats, and we struck out looking. Right now, the best hope for Republicans is to pray for a serious Democrat, a grown-up, to challenge Dennis. Not Barbara Ann Ferris, but a real opponent like Martin Sweeney (Cleveland City Council President). Until then, I can thank Bob Taft for sending Dennis Kucinich to the House as my Congressman.

If we had used our heads we could have been rid of Kucinich if we chose; now, we have to let the Democrats do the choosing, something we'd apparently better get used to.

Anonymous said...

tubbs jones is horrible. her lips look like two burnt sausage links.

Cut the Crap said...

Wow the vitriol against Stephanie. What did she ever do to you? Okay, so she really never did anything to personally either, but I still reserve a special bit of scorn for her. I agree with the second comment, about leaving in D-10 as it existed for Kucinich. Why not leave in the district that Traficant served in? Sure he was an embarassment, but we could have made a run at the seat when he was ultimately forced to resign. And for all of his faults, those same faults helped him to perfectly represent Youngstown (or the Soviet Union to those who are in the know). Although, in the last four years especially, Dennis the Menace has been providing the state with plenty of welcome comic relief. The crappy side of this is that taxpayers have to shell out almost $3 million in matching funds so that this fool can play court jester. Amazing!